Friday, April 26, 2013

Body Transformation Does a Mind and a Body Good

On the beach in Hawaii in a real bikini, October 2008
The people close to me know that I had a struggle getting my pre-baby body back. I didn't start working out regularly until Sophie was 7 months old. By her first birthday, I'd lost all of the baby weight and weighed exactly the same as I did in August 2010. However, I did not look as thin, nor as fit at that weight post baby. Everything shifts when you have a baby. I definitely looked better than I did the summer after having Sophie, but I did not resemble my old self. Some of my old clothes fit, and some didn't. I did pretty well over the summer, but slacked off in the fall of 2012. Then we spent November through January sick. Prior to becoming pregnant, I worked out six days a week- weights, spinning, boot camps, group fitness classes- the harder the better. For some reason, I decided to flirt around with Bikram yoga, Pilates, and Bar Method post baby. I saw some results, but I wasn't getting anywhere. My diet was just ok. So once Sophie had surgery and was healthy again, I decided it was time to hit it hard- Houstonian Club style. I joined Lifetime Fitness, and dropped an entire dress size between February and March of 2013. I can wear all of my old clothes again, and I'm toned. My stomach is pretty flat, and I can wear a true bikini top. My problem areas are my hips and that little area directly underneath my glutes. Cellulite. This is all due to pregnancy, and the amount of weight I gained. I have some extra flab on my hips, and I am not comfortable wearing the typical bikini bottom. So I bought a cute little skirted bottom. I am still a work in progress, but I feel like my old self again. I'm healthy, and I am proud of my body. I gained over 40 pounds during my pregnancy, and lost all of my muscle tone. I truly never thought I would look this good again. I can't complain.

So, how do you lose that baby weight? There are people blessed with an amazing metabolism who simply lose weight by breathing or doing yoga. But I only know two of those lucky people! Most of us  MUST diet, and do heavy strength training AND cardio. Diet alone will not shed all of the weight- you'll lose some, but your body will not regain any of the lost muscle tone. Likewise, you also can't just do cardio and diet. That combination will enable your body to lose weight, but you'll end up what fitness pros call "skinny fat". Many women are afraid that heavy weights will bulk them up, and there is nothing further from the truth. Lifting weights, and not just 3 pound weights, I mean the heaviest you can lift for 10-15 reps to failure, will help you burn additional calories and build beautiful lean muscles. Bobbie Williams, who is my Latin Fusion instructor at Lifetime Fitness, recommends a ratio of 3:2:1- cardio three days a week, two days dedicated to strength training, and one yoga class. I detest yoga, but each week I try to get my dance class in 3 times, and two days of weights.  Some weeks I train legs one day and upper body the second, some weeks I do a whole body weight workout twice a week. Correct form is VERY important when lifting weights. You can get hurt if you use improper form. I recommend finding a trainer to help for a few sessions, or working out with a friend who knows what they are doing.

My current cardio obsession is Latin Fusion. We dance for 60 minutes straight. The class is a mix of hip hop and Latin, with emphasis on hip hop. I have SO much fun, and I truly believe it has helped me transform my body. Other great sources of cardio are boot camps, spin classes, running, and the rolling stairs. HIIT training is also great- High Intensity Interval Training. Basically you do interval training- run for 4 minutes, walk for 2, and then repeat. There are all kinds of HIIT workouts available in fitness magazines and on the web. Most group fitness cardio classes utilize HITT training. Boot camps are a great way to get your strength and cardio workout done in one session.

And now for everyone's favorite part. Diet. I struggle with this the most. I love to eat. I personally did Weight Watchers back in 2009, and lost 15 pounds. I was also working out heavily during this time. I did it again after having Sophie, but recently switched to My Fitness Pal. It is more strict than Weight Watchers, and I've lost weight quicker. I think people need to find a program that works for them. I will say that eliminating certain food groups isn't the best option. Also, the quickest way to sabotage your progress is to eat clean all week, and then undo all of your hard work by pigging out on the weekends.  Booze in all shapes and forms is also a diet killer. Personally, I don't recommend cheat days. I think a cheat meal is more effective once a week while you're actively trying to lose the weight, and I think you have to be careful when choosing your cheat food.  Once the weight is off, and you've achieved the desired results, a cheat day may work better. Portion control is your best friend when eating foods that aren't totally clean. Instead of eating an entire cupcake, have half.

I am still a work in progress. I'd love to be able to wear a real bikini again one day. I'm doing great with the fitness part. I work daily on the diet, some days I succeed, others I'm not so successful.  But I have come a long way since giving birth to my beautiful daughter! I'm not going to lie- losing weight is difficult, and it takes hard work, dedication and sheer willpower. One of my favorite fitness sites is The Get in Shape Girl on Facebook. She has great information, and even training programs. Oxygen and Fitness RX for women are my favorite magazines. One of my goals is to take my love for fitness and become a personal trainer. I'd also love to earn a degree in nutrition. Hopefully one day! Let me know if you ever want to work out! YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL!

April 15, 2011- the day I gave birth to Sophie

September 2011, pretty heavy here. 20 pounds overweight

Easter 2013. Tan, toned, and pretty fit! FInally!

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